I am not a woman who is used to homeschooling. It is only my second year and I still feel like I am floundering. My son is in first grade, 6 years old and my daughter is in preschool, 4 years old. I have the ability to teach, but not always the motivation.
There are women out there that I meet that seem to have it all together. They seem to be able to do a million things and still come out looking fresh. They are a model to us all but I fear not an example I can live up to.
My mother in law homeschooled all five of her boys in various states. All the states had different rules and she was doing it at a time when homeschooling was still really odd. (Not that it is completely normal now.) She seems to have been able to breeze through it. She'll be the first to admit however that it never was simply easy. I at least have her for a resource to ask questions to. I get caught up in the whole, 'The book says he has to fill this out a certain way' and all the rules and regulations and I am unsure of what I am allowed to say or do to accomplish the end goal. But I guess it is just an experience and like all experiences it is trial and error.
I say all this to let others know they are not alone! Sometimes it feels like we can see everyone else doing so well and we are floundering! But I have found, through my own insecurities and needing to learn more, a very special book by Beth Moore called 'So Long Insecurity'.
It was amazing to read through and see that I was not alone! As women we all look at each other and see the outside version of the front that we put on for the world! Unfortunately that is true in church too! We don't walk in happy to see everyone. We see that 'so and so looks fabulous in that skirt' and 'O my goodness can so and so's cleavage show any more?!' We think, 'at least I don't look like that' or 'I am so jealous she seems to have it all!' We need to stop judging and start thinking, 'Wow, I personally have a lot of blessings in my life to be thankful for.' After all, we have no idea what is behind all those smiles. Everyone has problems and worries of their own and we as women are our own worst enemies. Instead of judging each other we should be thankful for each other and be lifting each other up!
I challenge us all to take a good look at ourselves and our lives and be really thankful for where we are. Some others may have nice houses and furniture and look great and seem like they have it all together! Sure I have hand me down furniture and a house provided by my husband's job that is slowly deteriorating, but I have never seen anyone come in and turn their noses up at this place. Nope, they just love us and our hospitality and it is all we can ask for. I have solid friends who I can rely on! I have a wonderful husband and great extended family! I have been blessed with a creative ability I am able to use in many ways and we have enough money to allow me that luxury! I really am so blessed! I have a great support network I can rely on and a God bigger than all my problems to call on! And I know I can be thankful for that even when the little things seem humdrum. A'men!
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