Saturday, November 15, 2014

Lilah Bean Comics

In a post on, Ms Bartholomew shared an inspiration about Lilah Beans and Comics. Once my kids saw the idea they of course jumped right in. I even was lucky enough to have comic strips on hand. I had printed them out from This particular set was by Tracee Orman. You can find the link for that page I ended up with a total of 10 different templates to choose from. I let my kids choose their templates and made copies. They really liked the ones with the word bubbles. 

This is the kids at the school table. Kaden has stolen my chair but then it is not school time so he is allowed. 

Recognize the tangle book? haha

Included here for your enjoyment is first Cali's comics with translation:

Meow Meow


But it would be fun to go to the movies.
Bang (into a wall)

Come! Come! (big snake to little snake)

Come on cat! (Bean to Cat)

And Kaden's comics with translation:

What should I do today?

Woah! What's this?

Hi! How are you?
Me? I'm fine if I can get this wall to crack!

I am totally counting these as school! The joys of homeschool. I am just thrilled that Kaden wrote as much as he did. He really hates to do his writing work and balks at writing stories. Little does he know that this is actually a story in and of itself! Yay! Win!

And finally my own comic.

I hope these made you smile. I know it was fun for me to play with. Download some templates and play for youself! 

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